2021-01-26 20:21:44 -08:00

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About & Credits


GPU.TXT by doomed/padua; based on info from K-communications & Nagra/Blackbag
GTE.TXT by /
SPU.TXT by /
CDINFO.TXT by doomed with big thanks to Barubary, who rewrote a large part
SYSTEM.TXT by doomed with thanx to Herozero for breakpoint info
PS_ENG.TXT PlayStation PAD/Memory Interface Protocol by HFB03536
IDT79R3041 Hardware User's Manual by Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
IDTR3051, R3052 RISController User's Manual by Integrated Device Technology
PSX.* by Joshua Walker (additional details in various distorted file formats)
LIBMIRAGE by Rok; info/source code for various cdrom-image formats; cdrom sub-cpu decapping

PSXSPX homepage no$psx emulator/debugger psx specs in html formal psx specs in text formal

Contact (spam-shielded)


Memory Map
I/O Map
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
GPU I/O Ports, DMA Channels, Commands, VRAM
GPU Render Polygon Commands
GPU Render Line Commands
GPU Render Rectangle Commands
GPU Rendering Attributes
GPU Memory Transfer Commands
GPU Other Commands
GPU Display Control Commands (GP1)
GPU Status Register
GPU Versions
GPU Depth Ordering
GPU Video Memory (VRAM)
GPU Texture Caching
GPU Timings
Geometry Transformation Engine (GTE)
GTE Overview
GTE Registers
GTE Saturation
GTE Opcode Summary
GTE Coordinate Calculation Commands
GTE General Purpose Calculation Commands
GTE Color Calculation Commands
GTE Division Inaccuracy
Macroblock Decoder (MDEC)
MDEC I/O Ports
MDEC Commands
MDEC Decompression
MDEC Data Format
Sound Processing Unit (SPU)
SPU Overview
SPU Volume and ADSR Generator
SPU Voice Flags
SPU Noise Generator
SPU Control and Status Register
SPU Memory Access
SPU Interrupt
SPU Reverb Registers
SPU Reverb Formula
SPU Reverb Examples
SPU Unknown Registers
DMA Channels
CDROM Controller I/O Ports
CDROM Controller Command Summary
CDROM - Control Commands
CDROM - Seek Commands
CDROM - Read Commands
CDROM - Status Commands
CDROM - CD Audio Commands
CDROM - Test Commands
CDROM - Test Commands - Version, Switches, Region, Chipset, SCEx
CDROM - Test Commands - Test Drive Mechanics
CDROM - Test Commands - Prototype Debug Transmission
CDROM - Test Commands - Read/Write Decoder RAM and I/O Ports
CDROM - Test Commands - Read HC05 SUB-CPU RAM and I/O Ports
CDROM - Secret Unlock Commands
CDROM - Video CD Commands
CDROM - Mainloop/Responses
CDROM - Response Timings
CDROM - Response/Data Queueing
CDROM Disk Format
CDROM Subchannels
CDROM Sector Encoding
CDROM XA Subheader, File, Channel, Interleave
CDROM XA Audio ADPCM Compression
CDROM ISO Volume Descriptors
CDROM ISO File and Directory Descriptors
CDROM File Formats
CDROM Protection - SCEx Strings
CDROM Protection - Bypassing it
CDROM Protection - Modchips
CDROM Protection - Chipless Modchips
CDROM Protection - LibCrypt
CDROM Disk Images CCD/IMG/SUB (CloneCD)
CDROM Disk Images CDI (DiscJuggler)
CDROM Disk Images CUE/BIN/CDT (Cdrwin)
CDROM Disk Images MDS/MDF (Alcohol 120%)
CDROM Disk Images NRG (Nero)
CDROM Disk Image/Containers CDZ
CDROM Disk Image/Containers ECM
CDROM Subchannel Images
CDROM Disk Images Other Formats
CDROM Internal Info on PSX CDROM Controller
CDROM Internal HC05 Instruction Set
CDROM Internal HC05 On-Chip I/O Ports
CDROM Internal HC05 On-Chip I/O Ports - Extras
CDROM Internal HC05 I/O Port Usage in PSX
CDROM Internal HC05 Motorola Selftest Mode
CDROM Internal HC05 Motorola Selftest Mode (52pin chips)
CDROM Internal HC05 Motorola Selftest Mode (80pin chips)
CDROM Internal CXD1815Q Sub-CPU Configuration Registers
CDROM Internal CXD1815Q Sub-CPU Sector Status Registers
CDROM Internal CXD1815Q Sub-CPU Address Registers
CDROM Internal CXD1815Q Sub-CPU Misc Registers
CDROM Internal Commands CX(0x..3x) - CXA1782BR Servo Amplifier
CDROM Internal Commands CX(4x..Ex) - CXD2510Q Signal Processor
CDROM Internal Commands CX(0x..Ex) - CXD2545Q Servo/Signal Combo
CDROM Internal Commands CX(0x..Ex) - CXD2938Q Servo/Signal/SPU Combo
CDROM Internal Commands CX(xx) - Notes
CDROM Internal Commands CX(xx) - Summary of Used CX(xx) Commands
CDROM Internal Coefficients (for CXD2545Q)
VCD ISO Basic Files (INFO, ENTRIES, AVSEQnn, ISO Filesystem)
VCD ISO Playback Control PBC Files (PSD, LOT, ITEMnnnn)
VCD MPEG-1 Multiplex Stream
VCD MPEG-1 Video Stream
VCD MP2 Audio Stream
Inflate - Core Functions
Inflate - Initialization & Tree Creation
Inflate - Headers and Checksums
Controllers and Memory Cards
Controller and Memory Card I/O Ports
Controller and Memory Card Misc
Controller and Memory Card Signals
Controller and Memory Card Multitap Adaptor
Controllers - Communication Sequence
Controllers - Standard Digital/Analog Controllers
Controllers - Mouse
Controllers - Racing Controllers
Controllers - Lightguns
Controllers - Lightguns - Namco (GunCon)
Controllers - Lightguns - Konami Justifier/Hyperblaster (IRQ10)
Controllers - Lightguns - PSX Lightgun Games
Controllers - Rumble Configuration
Controllers - Dance Mats
Controllers - Fishing Controllers
Controllers - I-Mode Adaptor (Mobile Internet)
Controllers - Additional Inputs
Controllers - Misc
Memory Card Read/Write Commands
Memory Card Data Format
Memory Card Images
Memory Card Notes
Pocketstation Overview
Pocketstation I/O Map
Pocketstation Memory Map
Pocketstation IO Video and Audio
Pocketstation IO Interrupts and Buttons
Pocketstation IO Timers and Real-Time Clock
Pocketstation IO Infrared
Pocketstation IO Memory-Control
Pocketstation IO Communication Ports
Pocketstation IO Power Control
Pocketstation SWI Function Summary
Pocketstation SWI Misc Functions
Pocketstation SWI Communication Functions
Pocketstation SWI Execute Functions
Pocketstation SWI Date/Time/Alarm Functions
Pocketstation SWI Flash Functions
Pocketstation SWI Useless Functions
Pocketstation BU Command Summary
Pocketstation BU Standard Memory Card Commands
Pocketstation BU Basic Pocketstation Commands
Pocketstation BU Custom Pocketstation Commands
Pocketstation File Header/Icons
Pocketstation File Images
Pocketstation XBOO Cable
Serial Port (SIO)
Expansion Port (PIO)
EXP1 Expansion ROM Header
EXP2 Dual Serial Port (for TTY Debug Terminal)
EXP2 DTL-H2000 I/O Ports
EXP2 Post Registers
EXP2 Nocash Emulation Expansion
Memory Control
Unpredictable Things
CPU Specifications
CPU Registers
CPU Opcode Encoding
CPU Load/Store Opcodes
CPU ALU Opcodes
CPU Jump Opcodes
CPU Coprocessor Opcodes
CPU Pseudo Opcodes
COP0 - Register Summary
COP0 - Exception Handling
COP0 - Misc
COP0 - Debug Registers
Kernel (BIOS)
BIOS Overview
BIOS Memory Map
BIOS Function Summary
BIOS File Functions
BIOS File Execute and Flush Cache
BIOS CDROM Functions
BIOS Memory Card Functions
BIOS Interrupt/Exception Handling
BIOS Event Functions
BIOS Event Summary
BIOS Thread Functions
BIOS Timer Functions
BIOS Joypad Functions
BIOS GPU Functions
BIOS Memory Allocation
BIOS Memory Fill/Copy/Compare (SLOW)
BIOS String Functions
BIOS Number/String/Character Conversion
BIOS Misc Functions
BIOS Internal Boot Functions
BIOS More Internal Functions
BIOS PC File Server
BIOS TTY Console (std_io)
BIOS Character Sets
BIOS Control Blocks
BIOS Versions
BIOS Patches
Arcade Cabinets
Cheat Devices
Cheat Devices - Datel I/O
Cheat Devices - Datel DB25 Comms Link Protocol
Cheat Devices - Datel Chipset Pinouts
Cheat Devices - Datel Cheat Code Format
Cheat Devices - Xplorer Memory and I/O Map
Cheat Devices - Xplorer DB25 Parallel Port Function Summary
Cheat Devices - Xplorer DB25 Parallel Port Command Handler
Cheat Devices - Xplorer DB25 Parallel Port Low Level Transfer Protocol
Cheat Devices - Xplorer Versions
Cheat Devices - Xplorer Chipset Pinouts
Cheat Devices - Xplorer Cheat Code Format
Cheat Devices - Xplorer Cheat Code and ROM-Image Decryption
Cheat Devices - FLASH/EEPROMs
PSX Dev-Board Chipsets
Hardware Numbers
Pinouts - Controller Ports and Memory-Card Ports
Pinouts - Audio, Video, Power, Expansion Ports
Pinouts - SIO Pinouts
Pinouts - Chipset Summary
Pinouts - CPU Pinouts
Pinouts - GPU Pinouts (for old 160-pin GPU)
Pinouts - GPU Pinouts (for new 208-pin GPU)
Pinouts - SPU Pinouts
Pinouts - DRV Pinouts
Pinouts - VCD Pinouts
Pinouts - HC05 Pinouts
Pinouts - MEM Pinouts
Pinouts - CLK Pinouts
Pinouts - PWR Pinouts
Pinouts - Component List and Chipset Pin-Outs for Digital Joypad, SCPH-1080
Pinouts - Component List and Chipset Pin-Outs for Analog Joypad, SCPH-1150
Pinouts - Component List and Chipset Pin-Outs for Analog Joypad, SCPH-1200
Pinouts - Component List and Chipset Pin-Outs for Analog Joypad, SCPH-110
Pinouts - Component List and Chipset Pin-Outs for Namco Lightgun, NPC-103
Pinouts - Component List and Chipset Pin-Outs for Multitap, SCPH-1070
Pinouts - Memory Cards
Mods - Nocash PSX-XBOO Upload
Mods - PAL/NTSC Color Mods
About & Credits

[extracted from no$psx v2.0 documentation]