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2022-10-05 17:16:36 +02:00
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2022-10-05 22:36:46 +02:00
<header creationtool="OmegaT" o-tmf="OmegaT TMX" adminlang="EN-US" datatype="plaintext" creationtoolversion="5.7.1_0_c3206253" segtype="sentence" srclang="en"/>
2022-10-05 17:16:36 +02:00
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2022-10-05 22:56:02 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>(For much more on 3D printing filaments, &lt;a0&gt;check out our filament explainer&lt;/a0&gt;).</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205412Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205412Z">
<seg>(Pour en savoir plus sur les filaments dimpression 3D, &lt;a0&gt;consultez notre explication sur les filaments&lt;/a0&gt;).</seg>
2022-10-05 22:57:17 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>(Photo: Molly Flores)</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205700Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205700Z">
<seg>(Photo: Molly Flores) </seg>
2022-10-05 22:53:05 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>(Photo: Zlata Ivleva)</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205027Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205027Z">
<seg>(Photo: Zlata Ivleva) </seg>
2022-10-05 22:36:46 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>About Tony Hoffman</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Athina" changedate="20221005T203635Z" creationid="Athina" creationdate="20221005T203635Z">
<seg>A propos de Tony Hoffman</seg>
2022-10-05 22:53:05 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Although many 3D printers will accept generic spools, some companies' printers use proprietary spools or cartridges.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205210Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205210Z">
<seg>Bien que de nombreuses imprimantes 3D acceptent les bobines génériques, les imprimantes de certaines entreprises utilisent des bobines ou des cartouches propriétaires.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:49:59 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>As for the materials you'll use to print with, most affordable 3D printers use the abovementioned FFF technique, in which plastic filament—available in spools—is melted and extruded, then solidifies to form the object.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T204853Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T204853Z">
<seg>En ce qui concerne les matériaux que vous utiliserez pour imprimer, la plupart des imprimantes 3D abordables utilisent la technique FFF mentionnée ci-dessus, dans laquelle le filament de plastique, disponible en bobines, est fondu et extrudé, puis se solidifie pour former lobjet.</seg>
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Each has slightly different properties.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T204916Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T204916Z">
<seg>Chacun a des propriétés légèrement différentes.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:53:05 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Each material has a different melting point, so use of some exotic filaments is limited to printers designed for them or ones with software that lets you control the extruder temperature.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205133Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205133Z">
<seg>Chaque matériau a un point de fusion différent, de sorte que lutilisation de certains filaments exotiques est limitée aux imprimantes conçues pour ceux-ci ou à celles qui disposent dun logiciel permettant de contrôler la température de lextrudeuse.</seg>
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Filament comes in two diameters—1.85mm and 3mm—with most models using the smaller of the two.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205152Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205152Z">
<seg>Le filament existe en deux diamètres, 1,85 mm et 3 mm, le plus petit est le plus souvent utilisé pour les modèles.</seg>
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Filament is sold in spools, generally 1kg (2.2 pounds), and costs $20 to $50 per kilogram for ABS and PLA.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205200Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205200Z">
<seg>Le filament est vendu en bobines, généralement de 1kg, et coûte entre 20 et 50 euros le kilo pour lABS et le PLA.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:49:59 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>For example, ABS melts at a higher temperature than PLA and is more flexible, but emits fumes when melted that many users find unpleasant, and it requires a heated print bed.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T204932Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T204932Z">
<seg>Par exemple, lABS fond à une température plus élevée que le PLA et est plus flexible, mais il émet des fumées lorsquil est fondu ce que des nombreux utilisateurs trouvent désagréable, et il nécessite dun plateau chauffant.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:56:02 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>In many cases, you can buy or make (even 3D print) a spool holder that will fit various spool sizes.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205401Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205401Z">
<seg>Dans de nombreux cas, vous pouvez acheter ou fabriquer (voire imprimer en 3D) un support de bobine qui sadapte à différentes tailles de bobines.</seg>
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Make sure the filament is the right diameter for your printer, and that the spool is the right size.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205347Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205347Z">
<seg>Assurez-vous que le filament a le bon diamètre pour votre imprimante et que la bobine soit de la bonne taille.</seg>
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Only a limited color palette is available, usually clear, white, gray, black, or gold.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205545Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205545Z">
<seg>Il nexiste quune palette de couleurs limitée, qui est généralement claire, blanche, grise, noire ou dorée.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:53:05 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Other materials used in FFF printing include, but are not limited to, high-impact polystyrene (HIPS); composite filaments made of wood, bronze, and copper; UV-luminescent filaments; nylon; Tritan copolyester; polyvinyl alcohol (PVA); polyethylene terephthalate (PETT); polycarbonate; conductive PLA and ABS; plasticized copolyamide thermoplastic elastomer (PCTPE); and PC-ABS.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205119Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205119Z">
<seg>Les autres matériaux utilisés dans limpression FFF comprennent, sans toutefois sy limiter, le polystyrène à haute résistance aux chocs (HIPS), les filaments composite en bois, en bronze et en cuivre, les filaments luminescents UV, le nylon, le copolyester Tritan, lalcool polyvinylique (PVA), le polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET), le polycarbonate, les filaments PLA et ABS, lélastomère thermoplastique copolyamide plastifié (PCTPE), et le PC-ABS.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:49:59 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>PLA prints look smooth, but they tend to be on the brittle side.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T204946Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T204946Z">
<seg>Les impressions en PLA semblent plus lisses, mais elles ont tendance à être plus fragiles.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:56:02 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Prusa Filament</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205421Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205421Z">
<seg>Filament Prusa</seg>
2022-10-05 22:49:59 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Red filament in 3D printer</seg>
2022-10-05 22:53:05 +02:00
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205003Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T204958Z">
<seg>Filament rouge dans une imprimante 3D</seg>
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>So your printer needs to support a given kind of filament to use it.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205144Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205144Z">
<seg>Votre imprimante doit donc être compatible avec le type de filament donné pour pouvoir lutiliser.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:49:59 +02:00
2022-10-05 22:56:02 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Stereolithography printers can print at high resolutions and skip filament in favor of photosensitive (UV-curable) liquid resin, which is sold in bottles.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205535Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205535Z">
<seg>Les imprimantes stéréolithographies peuvent imprimer à des résolutions élevées et remplacer le filament au profit dune résine liquide photosensible (durcissable aux UV), qui est vendue en bouteilles.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:49:59 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>The two most common types of filament are acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polylactic acid (PLA).</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T204906Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T204906Z">
<seg>Les deux types de filaments le plus souvent utilisés sont lacrylonitrile butadiène styrène (ABS) et lacide polylactique (PLA).</seg>
2022-10-05 22:53:05 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>These often contain an RFID chip that allows a printer to identify the filament type and properties but restricts the material to the manufacturer's compatible printers.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205304Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205304Z">
<seg>Celles-ci contiennent souvent une puce RFID (Radio Fréquence Identification) qui permet à limprimante didentifier le type de filament et ses propriétés, mais restreint le matériel aux imprimantes compatibles du fabricant.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:49:59 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>What Kind of Filament Should Your 3D Printer Use?</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T204839Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T204833Z">
<seg>Quel type de filament votre imprimante 3D devrait-elle utiliser ?</seg>
2022-10-05 22:56:02 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<seg>Working with liquid resin and isopropyl alcohol, which is used in the finishing process for stereolithography prints, can be messy and odiferous.</seg>
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205602Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205602Z">
<seg>Travailler avec de la résine liquide et de lalcool isopropylique, qui sont utilisés dans le processus de finition des impressions stéréolithographies, peut être salissant et malodorant.</seg>
2022-10-05 22:53:05 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205019Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205019Z">
<seg>data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%20768%20432'%3E%3Crect%20fill='%23f7f7f7'%20/%3E%3C/svg%3E </seg>
2022-10-05 17:28:11 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="sirine" changedate="20221005T152810Z" creationid="sirine" creationdate="20221005T152810Z">
2022-10-05 22:56:02 +02:00
<tuv lang="en">
<tuv lang="fr" changeid="Ivone" changedate="20221005T205318Z" creationid="Ivone" creationdate="20221005T205318Z">
<seg> </seg>
2022-10-05 17:16:36 +02:00
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