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Merge pull request 'master' (#1) from Antux/JeuPistesSarreguemines:master into jeu-pistes-sarreguemines
Modif gitignore.
Corrections traductions.
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Suppression echo inutile + modif bdd.
created branch jeu-pistes-sarreguemines in antux18/ChasseTresorPange
2024-09-01 15:35:08 +02:00
Since analysis and aggregation rules had directories in their input, Snakemake complained because of these missing directories, even if he was supposed to create them. So I removed the directories from the inputs of the rules, and used global variables instead (and for some, just wrote the directory path directly in the shell command).
The results of the get_analysis_dates function being used as inputs in some Snakemake rules, this causes Snakemake to overwrite older analysis, probably because the files used to generate these older analysis have been modified. To avoid overwriting older analysis, we only specify today's analysis in the input, and use a bash wrapper script to both fetch the older analysis by itself (by giving it the folder where to look), and run the analysis with the fetched files. So I removed get_analysis_dates and replaced it with the wrapper script every time it was used.
Updated doc with details on analysis outputs. Moved test scripts to a dedicated directory.
Deleted the Git package from the configuration file of the test artifact, because it is a Git repo that is generated when the container is being built, so version number will always change.
Handling of the case where no artifact configuration files have been found, or they have all been blacklisted.
The date of the day is now always added to the output of get_analysis_dates, because we obviously want to generate the analysis of the day, even if there are older analysis in the folder already...
Integrate analysis and plotting parts to the Snakemake workflow