Export Options
ABelliqueux edited this page 2021-10-12 15:08:56 +02:00

Export options

Option Type Description
Triangulate Boolean Apply the triangulate modifier. This is destructive so use a work copy of your scene.
Scale Float Defines the geometry scale factor.
Use precalculated BGs Boolean If enabled, renders the background for every camera angle. Objects and props have to be hidden from rendering manually.
Use ImageMagick Boolean Use Imagemagick to convert PNGs to 8/4bpp instead of pngquant
Use 4bpp TIMs Boolean Use 4bpp TIMs instead of the default 8bpp.
Level Number Integer Manual level numbering, it's used as a prefix in the resulting data.
Use blend file directory for export Boolean Files will be exported in the same folder as the exported blend file.
Textures Dir. String Use a different texture folder than the default ./TEX
XA mode Integer XA sector size : 0 = 2352, 1=2336, defaults to 1.
mkpsxiso config folder String This should point to a directory containing a mkpsxiso xml config file. Defaults to ./config/
Compress animation data Boolean Use delta compression for vertex coordinates.
Mix overlapping LNA tracks Boolean If enabled, the resulting animation will be an interpolation between the overlapping nla tracks.